Judith Davies celebrating the launch of her memoirs at the Bedford Hotel, Tavistock, Devon.
Judith, who lives in Tavistock, Devon has just published her Memoirs of a Harrow Childhood she explains that it, “took me on a journey into my past life, growing up in Harrow-on-the-Hill between 1943 and 1961 and my life as a daughter of a housemaster at Harrow School, a world-renowned boy’s public school founded in 1572 and which now has satellite schools in such countries as Japan.
At the time I never questioned the privilege that came with the boarding school environment we grew up in, as for us at that time it was the only world we knew.
My reminiscences enabled me to capture in words a snapshot of life in a boarding school in the 1950s and include glimpses into the lives of some of my adventurous, intriguing and creative relatives from the Arctic explorer Neil Alison Mackintosh, who took part in the 1923 Antarctic Discovery expedition to well-respected artists like Alice Mackintosh (my grandmother).
Looking back through my memories led me to think about how life has changed to a world where time to enjoy simple pleasures has been buried under an avalanche of technology and constant noise.”
To find out more please do check out <https://pegasuspublishers.com/books/all/memoirs-of-a-harrow-childhood>