The Sabine Baring Gould – 2024 Short Story and Poetry Competition results

SBG24 WRITING COMPETITION RESULTS (4) For more information about writers in education check out: <>    

Public Universal Friend – A debut historical novel by Jax Willoughby

Jax Willoughby, explains that her novel ‘Comfort’s Rebellion’ based on the Public Universal Friend and is available at <>. Jax believes that, “The Friend was America’s first genderfluid preacher, and a regionally known celebrity in New England in the late eighteenth century. I believe nonconforming people have been overlooked throughout history, and would welcome the… Read more »

Becoming a debut novelist at 82 – Patricia Reis and Sibylline Press

Patricia Reis’ debut historical novel Unsettled will be published later this year. Patricia is 82 years old. She has written a memoir and some nonfiction in the past, but this is her first novel. Unsettled (2) Tip Sheet – Patricia Reis – Unsettled – New (3)   Publishing Brilliant Women 50 and Older

Jonathan Vischer’s debut novel delves into the life of Elizabeth Sawyer, who was hanged for witch craft in 1621

The Wonderful Discovery of Elizabeth Sawyer set in London in the 17th century is Jonathan Vischer’s <> debut novel. He is a PhD graduate, living in Ireland and Jonathan’s novel will be launched on October the 25th at Queen’s University Belfast <>. Jonathan explains that, “The Wonderful Discovery of Elizabeth Sawyer, examines a case of… Read more »