Tag: Sandhurst

Battles as settings for historical novels – Georgette Heyer and Terry C. Pierce

What do the historical fiction novels The Infamous Army (1937) by Georgette Heyer  and Without Warning: The Saga of Gettysburg, A Reluctant Union Hero, and the Men He Inspired (2020) by debut novelist Terry Pierce have in common? The novels both have battles and battlefields as their primary settings. Secondly, they have both incorporated meticulous… Read more »

About Myfanwy

Myfanwy is an ‘eclectic’ writer who is fascinated with experimenting with words and their potential enlightening power. She writes short stories, because they are like health food bars. They are small, satisfying and packed with intense power and energy producing ideas. They can also be fitted around the often mentally or physically draining routine of work.

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